Industry research is conducted each year to provide a summary of the factors impacting skills and training in the forest, wood, paper and timber products industry.
This reporting is then used to identify potential future projects to improve skills standards and qualifications for the industry.
From 2016-2022 this information was documented by Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) made up of experts in each industry. IRCs were the key industry advisory bodies to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) during this time. ForestWorks supported the IRCs for the forest, wood, paper and timber products industry via contractual arrangements with Skills Impact.
Skills reporting has been conducted under various names, most recently in Industry Skills Reports. You can view the 2022 reports below.
Previous IRC Skills Reporting
Forestry and Wood Products Manufacturing
Pulp and Paper Manufacturing
Industry Skills Scans
Prior to the formation of the IRCs, skills reporting took the form of Industry Skill Scans, which outline the developments and directions impacting the skills, training and workforce demands of the forest, wood, paper and timber products industry.