If you are an affected Victorian Forestry & Timber worker, you may be eligible
for support under the Worker Support Program.
Support is available for eligible workers.
The Victorian Forestry Worker Support Program (WSP) aims to support forestry and timber workers who are made redundant, had their employment ended or contract finished as the result of the Victorian Forestry Plan. WSP is delivered by ForestWorks and funded by the Victorian Government’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. The WSP is fully funded and available until 30 June 2026.
Support Programs Available

Sawmill work, Forestry workers and Harvest & Haulage contractors
Support available for all workers employed in the native timber industry including:

Opal Australian Paper Workers
ForestWorks is delivering support to Opal Australian Paper workers affected by white side manufacturing stand downs and any future operational changes through the Opal Worker Support Service.