OneFortyOne Plantations is offering a full academic scholarship for existing or future forestry students, including holiday work experience and graduate employment.

The scholarship will meet all education related expenses for the successful student undertaking either 3rd or 4th year of their Bachelor degree in forestry or forest science.

Applications are encouraged from potential students who reside in the Green Triangle Region. The scholarship will be available for students commencing first year of study of their Bachelor degree, either on campus or online.

For the successful candidate, OneFortyOne will also have summer holiday work experience available at their regional office in Mt Gambier, South Australia, supported by travel assistance to and from Mt Gambier.

Upon graduation, the Scholarship holder will undertake employment in their Graduate Forester position which is a  two year appointment, designed to allow for a broad understanding of OneFortyOne and how it operates as well as gaining skills and experience across the business and industry.

The closing date for applications has been extended to 10 November.

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